PCMH Increase Update: SCN Attestation Requirements
The PCMH incentive increase included in the 2024-2025 state budget has been approved by CMS, and the state is working to distribute payments soon. These payments will be retroactive to April 1, 2024. The incentive payments are $2 per member per month (PMPM) for adults and $4 PMPM for children under 21. For more information, see the Medicaid Update here.
Starting April 1, 2025, this increase will be contingent on health centers attesting that they have a workflow to refer patients to Social Care Networks (SCNs), which provide enhanced Health-Related Social Needs (HRSN) services to Medicaid patients. These services include housing supports, nutritional supports, care coordination, and transportation.
To continue receiving the incentive, health centers need to complete an attestation by March 31, 2025, confirming that the practice has established at least one of the following workflows:
- Connecting patients to the regional SCN(s) via referral provided to the patient,
- Connection directly with the SCN platform to submit screenings and referrals, or
- Connection with SCNs in another agreed-upon way.
The attestation must be completed for each physical site, but you can submit for multiple sites at the same time. If submitted after March 31, payments will begin the following month (e.g., submitting on April 15 means increased payments restart in May 2025).
To access the attestation, please go to: https://smartforms.health.ny.gov/public?formId=675a009d3aad5089bec295b0. The password is NYSPCMH25.
For more information, please refer to the official communication from the state: DOH Email NYS PCMH Medicaid and CHPlus Incentive Enhancement*.
*Previous communications from DOH indicated that the attestation could be accessed through the Health Commerce System (HCS) portal; however, this is no longer accurate. Please use the link and password provided above instead.