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Empowering Patients Through Information Sharing: Preparing for Cures Act Regulatory Compliance, Part 2 “Ask the Experts” Provider Edition

This is an "Ask the Experts" session specifically for providers and clinical leads to ask questions regarding information blocking and compliance with the Cures Act. Read More »

Empowering Patients Through Information Sharing: Preparing for Cures Act Regulatory Compliance, Part 2

This session continues the conversation around specific steps you can take to support your center’s compliance with Cures Act regulatory requirements. Read More »

Teledental Webinar with Finger Lakes Telehealth Network Recording

In this webinar, Finger Lakes Telehealth Network discusses all aspects of teledentistry. Read More »

Teledental Webinar with Finger Lakes Telehealth Network Slides

In this webinar, Finger Lakes Telehealth Network discusses all aspects of teledentistry. Read More »

Preparing for Cures Act Regulatory Compliance, Part 1 Q & A Document

This session shifts from knowledge to application as we focus on specific steps you can take to support your center’s compliance with Cures Act regulatory requirements. Read More »

Preparing for Cures Act Regulatory Compliance, Part 1 “Ask the Experts” Session Polls / Discussion Outline

This session shifts from knowledge to application as we focus on specific steps you can take to support your center’s compliance with Cures Act regulatory requirements. Read More »

Preparing for Cures Act Regulatory Compliance, Part 1 Slides

Denise Webb, MA, CPHIMS, Health IT Executive Advisor, Pivot Point Consulting Nick Loftin, MBA, Director, Virtual Care, Pivot Point Consulting February 16, 2022 Read More »

Empowering Patients Through Information Sharing: Cures Act Compliance "Ask the Experts" Session

This session shifts from knowledge to application as we focus on specific steps you can take to support your center’s compliance with Cures Act regulatory requirements. Read More »

Empowering Patients Through Information Sharing: Cures Act Compliance Session

This session shifts from knowledge to application as we focus on specific steps you can take to support your center’s compliance with Cures Act regulatory requirements. Read More »