Screening for diabetic retinopathy
EyePACS offers clinics a way to screen diabetic patient population for diabetic retinopathy annually. It includes a retinal camera for taking photos of patients’ eyes. With these images, certified optometrists and ophthalmologists will create a report on the patient within 24 hours.
Amanda Joslin, contact@eyepacs.org, (800) 228-6144 x 3
$19 per retinal screening encounter. If your health center does not own a retinal camera, there is an additional one-time purchase fee of $10,000-$17,000. There are also options to lease cameras from EyePACS for $3,000.
EyePACS staff can assemble any equipment purchased through EyePACS and train clinical staff in one day. From purchase to first patient upload, most clinics can be up and running in a month.