Econsults with specialists
RubiconMD (RMD) provides a HIPAA-compliant, web-based platform. The platform allows primary care providers to submit eConsults and receive case-specific insights from top specialists and multiple specialties within hours. Providers are able to follow up with the same specialist to clarify any feedback or ask follow-up questions. It typically takes a provider less than 7 minutes to submit an eConsult using RMD with a median turnaround time of 3 hours to receive a specialist response.
Bryn Coughlan, bryn@rubiconmd.com, (631) 495-7617
RubiconMD charges a monthly access fee. The fee is determined based on the volume of eConsults we anticipate a group of clinicians will produce each month. To estimate this volume, RubiconMD leverages ample volumes of historical engagement metrics and estimates the volume of eConsults a cohort of clinicians will produce each month.
RubiconMD will also charge a one-time fee that will generally reflect 10% of total cost of our prospective partner’s access fees for the term of the agreement.
RubiconMD curated an eConsult Clinical Transformation Process that seamlessly incorporates eConsults into clinicians workflow. The technical delivery of RubiconMD is quite simple, it only calls for the collection of clinicians’ RubiconMD account information (i.e. email addresses & provider information) and configuring RubiconMD eConsult website & emails to be accessible through your network. RubiconMD’s average implementation is conducted in 4 - 6 weeks. That time, however, may vary based on organizations’ availability and volume of clinicians and practices being onboarded.