2024 Legislative Session Recap

The New York State Legislative session concluded on June 7th, marked by a flurry of last-minute bill introductions and a surprising announcement from Governor Hochul to delay NYC’s congestion pricing plan. This unexpected move disrupted negotiations and stalled legislation funding critical MTA projects, leading to uncertainty and potential need for a special session. CHCANYS’ priorities experienced mixed outcomes: the telehealth bill passed the Senate but not the Assembly, the rate reform bill stalled in in the last leg of session, and medical assistant legislation was introduced by Senator Skoufis and Assembly Member Fahy but will likely need a new Assembly sponsor next legislative session. Dental therapy and other dental related legislation did not pass, though an expansion for providers to conduct fluoride varnish application did. The 340B contract pharmacy bill also did not advance but CHCANYS will continue to monitor movement. Moving forward, CHCANYS will reintroduce bills next year, update memos of support, and enhance advocacy strategies to ensure health center priorities are addressed in the next budget and legislative session. CHCANYS will provide updates as they arise 

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