HPV, or human papillomavirus, is a common virus that can cause cancers later in life. Children can be protected from these cancers with the HPV vaccine at age 11–12 years and even as early as age 9. The HPV vaccine is safe, long-lasting, and effective at preventing the infections that can lead to cancer.
You can use the My Vaccine Record tool to check if you and your family are up to date with the HPV vaccine and other vaccines.
Resources for parents, caregivers and community health workers:
- HPV Fact Sheet
HPV Glossary - HPV Vaccine Information from NYS Department of Health and NYC Department of Health
- Talking to Preteens about HPV Vaccine
- Preparing For Your Child’s HPV Vaccine Visit
- CDC Recommended Vaccinations for Children 7 to 18 Years Old
- Vaccines for Children (VFC) program can help pay for your child's vaccines
- NYC’s My Vaccine Record tool can help check if you and your family are up to date with your vaccines.
- Call 1-844-NYC-4NYC or 1-844-NYC-4692 to find a doctor
Webinar recordings:
- Preventing Cancer Through Vaccine Equity (HPV & Hep B vaccines), hosted by Voices for Vaccines [Full resource list here]
- Roundtable Discussion: Getting Back on Track with HPV Vaccination, hosted by NY VLC and HHS Regional Office of the Assistant Secretary of Health (OASH)
- National Immunization Coverage Data with CDC, hosted by National Association of County and City Health Officials (NACCHO)