In this interactive three-part learning series, The Justice Collective will lead participants through an exploration of health equity concepts that support patient care and community engagement. Through a combination of guided facilitation, individual reflection, and small group discussions, participants will learn about key historical context, frameworks, and cultural understandings that underpin effective health equity work. In the first session, participants will ground in shared language and historical context such as redlining, eugenics, and the flawed creation of the Body Mass Index (BMI). The second session will dive into technical frameworks that deconstruct oppression and the various ways that oppressive systems operate, while also exploring dominant culture characteristics and its impact on healthcare. The final session will focus on individual identity work that can anchor participants in cultural awareness and humility that will equip them with the skills to effectively engage with patients across lines of cultural difference.
Each session will build on the prior session, so participants are strongly encouraged to attend each session to gain the greatest value of this opportunity. While the facilitated portion of each session will be recorded, some group discussion and all breakouts will not be recorded. Part of The Justice Collective’s theory of change is that meaningful engagement in these topics requires an intentional trust building process and immense psychological safety. The facilitators at The Justice Collective understand that it can be challenging to engage in these discussions with colleagues; to facilitate the trust building process, facilitators will not record discussions so that participants can engage fully. Learn more about each session below.
If you would like to know more about the speakers, please click here. Link: (TJC Facilitator Bios.pdf)
Key Frameworks for Health Equity: Levels of Oppression & Dominant Culture
Thursday, December 19th: 11:00-12:30 PM ET
Register Here Link: ( )
With a solid understanding of the impact of the historical oppressive systems, participants will gain an understanding of the various levels at which oppressive systems operate and how these levels complicate health equity efforts. Participants will also identify how dominant culture influences interactions with patients and community members, and how to combat those cultural influences with behaviors that are empathetic, welcoming, and inclusive.
- Participants will understand how oppressive systems exist at various levels.
- Participants will be able to identify where certain health inequities and challenges exist within the framework of levels of oppression.
- Participants will explore dominant culture characteristics and learn how to spot them within their own behavior and interactions.
Identity & Culture: Communicating Across Cultural Differences
Wednesday, January 15: 10:00-11:30 AM ET
Register Here Link: ( )
In this final session, participants will go deeper with their own identity, as they reflect on how various components of their identities influence how they engage, perceive, and interact with those of different cultural backgrounds. Participants will lead with insights and suggestions for creating a more welcoming and inclusive environment within their health center teams and with patients and community members.
- Participants will gain greater understanding of themselves and how their identities impact their engagement with others.
- Participants will explore how cultural differences can impact understanding of interactions, trust, and power dynamics.
- Participants will gain tools to help create a welcoming and inclusive environment.