Are you a leader at a Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) looking to drive meaningful change in behavioral health care? The BeNCH Study, a 5-year research project funded by the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), is seeking to connect.
What is BeNCH?
BeNCH will survey >3,600 clinical sites nationwide to assess the level of integrated behavioral health in community health centers. It will also identify key factors that promote behavioral health service delivery and evaluate how this impacts access to care and patient outcomes for Medicaid enrollees.
How will this benefit my organization?
FQHCs will receive benchmarking data on how their organizations compare to other similar FQHCs in processes and infrastructure related to integrated care, as well as behavioral health outcomes data from Medicaid claims. Partnering organizations will have the opportunity to help shape the interpretation of the results of this study and craft messages for dissemination to policy-makers and other stakeholders for advocacy.
Get Involved Today!
Ensure your FQHC’s representation in this critical study. Click here to learn more and submit your contact information to the study’s investigators.