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Raise the Rates Handout

Urban Institute Report Finds Medicaid Rates Put NYS Community Health Centers at Risk Read More »

CHCANYS FY25 Health Budget Testimony

Senate Finance and Assembly Ways and Means Joint Legislative Hearing: Health State Fiscal Year 2024-25 Executive Budget Health and Medicaid January 23, 2024 Read More »

Memo of Support: Nurse Practitioner Modernization Act

MEMORANDUM OF SUPPORT Nurse Practitioner Modernization Act S.7872(Rivera) January 19, 2024  Read More »

Coverage for All New Yorkers A.3020B (Gonzalez-Rojas)/S.2237B (Rivera)

MEMORANDUM OF SUPPORT Coverage for All New Yorkers A.3020B (Gonzalez-Rojas)/S.2237B (Rivera) January 8, 2024 Read More »

Memo of Support: Community Health Center Rate Reform

MEMORANDUM OF SUPPORT Community Health Center Rate Reform A.7560 (Paulin)/S.6959 (Rivera) January 8, 2024 Read More »

Medical Assistants Fact Sheet

New York Must Allow Medical Assistants to Vaccinate to Address Healthcare Workforce Shortages Read More »

Telehealth Payment Parity Fact Sheet

Ensure Telehealth Payment Parity for Community Health Centers Include CHC Telehealth Payment Parity (A.7316 Paulin/S.6733 Rivera) in Legislative One House Budgets Read More »

Rate Reform Fact Sheet

Raise the Rates for Community Health Centers New York Must Provide a 25% Medicaid Rate Increase to CHCs and Implement CHC Rate Reform (A.7560 Paulin/S.6959 Rivera) Read More »